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segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010


Can you define Ideas?

I could give it a shot…

Ideas are thoughts you keep in mind for some reason ( dependably onto the situation ). Ideas are powerful things, ideas can change, and that is a big problem.

People change, like you or not, people are easily influenced by external influences. That means, every day you think different, you could call it adaption, but I prefer calling external influence.

Now you are trying to understand what I am trying to tell you.

I’m trying to put an idea into your mind, a simple idea which can change everything.

The idea of self-conservation, or, self-protection from external influences.

Let me give you an example.

There is a classroom, where teenagers have social lives, well, some don’t. The ones who don’t have a social live, are called weird, strange. And that is an idea that human kind keep in mind.

Unlike/Different = Weird/Strange/Bad

That is an Idea, that you’ve putted on your minds without wanting, as I told you, we are easily influenced.

Well, I’ll give you another example.

Think in something you don’t like, Piercing, Books, Studying, it can be a movie, a game, a person. Let’s call it object A.

You don’t like Object A.

Object A may have hurt you somehow, and for that action you don’t like him.

That is an idea, which wasn’t born in you.

People aren’t the only who can put ideas into you, actions, visions ( not fictional ones ), movies, papers, television, videogame, music. It all have the power to inject ideas in others minds, wishing or not.

So, you see how you are easily influenced. And you’ve noticed how you keep changing your mind about everything.

To have self-protection, you must only pay attention to all, and reflect more about things which are spoke and done.

In this text I inserted you an idea of self-protecting, see how it is easy?

Be smart, take an advantaged from those who don’t know.

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