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terça-feira, 5 de outubro de 2010


First of all, i should try to define life,

Life is what keeps our heart beating.

That is not right.

Life = Soul

The believers in god where told that life was a non-material energy based on your experience, what should go to, or heaven, or hell.

There is a right definition to life?

I don’t think so. Life isn’t a word to be defined, like grammatically.

There is nothing keeping us alive, there is no soul, there is no special anything, what just keep you alive is your will. Actually, is an energy.

An different kind of energy, which doesn't acts with the materials, making her to be uniform. Remenber the law of inertia? It's exactly what i'm talking about.

But, how could we live in this world, full of substances which they acts with each other, making them to stop?

Well, as i said before, it doesn't act with others.

It's like the solar system, all the planets are moving. But, how could they?

Inertia says every body inflicted by anything that makes it move, it'll be a uniform speed, at less it has any kind of substance which acts on the same magnetic field interfere with that movement.

Well, at void, there are no substances to stop the speed, so, it'll always be uniform. There is, of course, the dark matter, but it doesn't acts on the same field.

So, all kind of material in moviment, will just keep it, it will be uniform. As the solar system moved, and it is until know moving, as known, the solar system was "born" while moving;

That special energy which keep us alive, which never stop, it is kinetic. A simple movement energy which keep us moving to survive. The beating heart, the arms moving, the brain transmitting it thoughts.

As i told ya, it doesn't act in the same field from others things, so, she can keep being uniform, but, she just keep us alive, you have to take care of your body to make it all works too, if you take a headshot, you are dead.

Well, this is just a crazy theory, but, what would the world be without those crazy theory?

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